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North West Laboratory

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Products » Epcos and TDK protection devices » NTC thermistors »

NTC thermistors

thermistors epcos

The possibility to determine and control the temperature changing with defined accuracy is one of the important tasks which are extremely actual for engineers. Epcos has one of the leading positions in development of sensor control systems with different technological parameters.thermistors epcosThe operating principle of such components produced on the base of oxides of Zn, Ni, Fe is based on the decreasing of electrical resistance at temperature growth. Particlularly, when measuring devices choosing thermistors with Negative Temperature Coefficient. In order to provide linearization of temperature characteristic and the calculations holding NTC thermistors are often used together with microcontrollers. Для линеаризации температурной характеристики и проведения расчетов NTC термисторы могут быть использованы совместно с микроконтроллерами.

Thanks to high sensitivity, mechanical strength of the case and reliability NTC thermistors are used in:

  • Electronic compensation in circuits
  • The limitation of inrush current (motors, transformers, fluorescent lamps)
  • The providing of motors smooth start operating at constant values of current up to 20A
  • Temperature measuring (home appliance, automobile and industrial electronics).
  • The temperature measuring in mobile phones, HDD, LCD displays and other devices

The advantages of Epcos NTC thermistors:

  • A wide range of working temperatures
  • Accuracy. Epcos thermistors can be used for fixing of temperature marks with tolerance ±1°С
  • The posiibility of long-distancemonitoring
  • High sensitivity

Among main characteristics which one can take into considearation when choosing NTC thermistor:

thermistors epcos

RT - NTC resistanse at defined temperature, Ohm;

RR - NTC resistance at nominal temperature, Ohm;

ΔRТ/RR  - resistance tolerance
V - constant coefficient which depends on thermistor's material. It is calculated on the base of resistance values at defined temperature values.
T - temperature, К
TR - nominal temperature, К

α - Resistance tolerance, %

I - maximal , А

W - Maximum power within stated temperature range, W

δth - Dissipation factor, mW/К;

Сth - Heat capacitance, mJ/К;

τc - Thermal cooling time constant , s

Epcos has represented a wide range of NTC-themistors with different geometrical shapes, terminals configurations and resistance values (from 1 до 80 Ohm), which allows to choose the sensor for different applications.

NTC thermistors: main series produced by Epcos

Glass-encapsulated NTC Sensor Elements

thermistors glass encapsulated

Glass-encapsulated NTC Sensor Elements are characterised by compact sizes? high reliability, wide range of resistance (from 2 kOhm to 1.4 MOhm) values. They are mainly applied human appliance devices and some types of industrial equipment and also in automobile electronics. particlularly, thanks to minimal operation time and a wide range of working temperatures (-50...+150°С) such components can be used for monitoring and temperature measuring.

High accuracy and a short response time of thermistors in a glass case allow to use them in,edecine equipment. Epcos has developed the special series of NTC thermistors (B57542,  B57552,  B57562) used in medical thermometers operating at +25 ... +45°С.

Detailed information
Type  R25, кOhm Tamb, °С  Drawing  Pmax, mW τc, s Detailed information
Серии G 540 - 560, G1540-1560 without isolation


(G540; G1540)

5-100  -55/250   G540 18  Далее


(G550; G1550) 


2-100  -55/300   G550 32  7 Далее


(G560; G1560)

2-100  -55/300  G560  50 15 Далее
G 541 - 561, G1541-1561 series with isolation


(G541; G1541) 


5-100  -55/250   G541 18 Далее


(G551; G1551) 


2-100  -55/260  G551 32  9 Далее


(G561; G1561) 


2-100  -55/260 G561  50 18 Далее

Leaded NTC Thermistors

thermistors leaded

Epcos Leaded thermistors are represented by a few series of sensors with improved technical characteristics that allows to use them for temperature measurement and compensation in household equipment, heating and conditioning systems, sensors, industrial electroincs.

Detailed information
Type   R25, kOhm Tсреды, °С  Drawing  Pmax, mW τc, s Detailed information
Тhermistors with lead spacing 2,5 mm



1-470  -40/125   M891 200 12  Далее



2.1-30  -55/155   S871 60 7.5  Далее



2.1-30  -55/155  S881 100 10 Далее



2.2-100  --55/155  S891 200 15 Далее



2-5 --55/155  S964 60 16 Далее



2-30 -55/155   S971 60 8.8  Далее



2.1-30 -55/155   S981 100 11.5  Далее
NTC thermistors, lead spacing 5 mm



0.015-470 -55/125   K164 450 20 Далее



2.1-30 -55/155   S875 60 7.5 Далее



2.1-30 -55/155   S885 100 10 Далее
Miniature NTC sensors with bendable wires



2-50 -55/155   861S 60 15/12 Далее



3-30 -55/155   S863 60 15 Далее



2-5 -55/155   S864 60 21 Далее



2-50 -55/155   S867 60 12 Далее



3-30 -55/155   S869 60 12 Далее

Leadless NTCs 

thermistors leaded

The series of lealess sensors represent components with front surface silver-plated. Such components were developed by Epcos for temperature measuring insystems of water and oil injection cooling used in automobiles.

Detailed information
Type  R25, kOhm Tamb, °С  Drawing  Pmax, mW τc, s Detailed information



2056.9  -55/250   K220 180  12 Далее



990.2  -55/250   K350 180  18 Далее



2394  -55/150   K1150 180  30 Далее



560.2-1014 -55/150   M820 180  30 Далее

Inrush current limiting NTC Thermistors

current inrush

Thermistors with negative temperature coefficient are characterised by high reliability, in such a case they can be used not only for compenstaion and temperature mesuring but also for inrush current limiting. The application of NTC Thermistors in industrial devices allows to prevent from the blowing of surge-voltage protector providing the load's protection and the decreasing the probability of equipment's breakoff.

Detailed information
Type  R25, Ohm Tamb, °С  Drawing  Pmax, W τc, s Detailed information



4.7-33 -55/170   S153 1.4  30 Далее



4.7-10 -55/170   S235 1.8  60 Далее



2.2-120 -55/170   S236 2.1  70 Далее



1.0-60 -55/170   S237 3.1  90 Далее



2.5-16 -55/170   S238 3.9  80 Далее



1.0-10 -55/170   S364 5.1  100 Далее



1.0-10 -55/170   S464 6.7  130 Далее

SMD NTC Thermistors 


At present time among main tasks which face the engineers of LED one can note the increasing of useful life providing low cost and high efficiency. At high temperatures the decreasing of reliability and deformation of the LED case are possible. In order to achieve of predetermined working characteristics of LED systems it is necessary to control temperature of transition avoiding the high border values of working range. The series of SMD thermistors can be used as an integral part of the LED module and can easily be integrated in the assembly process. Small size, good thermal contact to the PCB and negligible self warming make SMD NTC thermistors very sensitive and accurate sensors. If an SMD NTC is integrated into an LED module, any deviation from the optimum operating temperature of the LED will cause a significant resistance change of the NTC. This will change the current flow through the SMD NTC thermistor and hence change the voltage drop across it. This change can be read by the comparator of the LED driver to adjust the LED driving current which will reduce the power dissipation in the LED increasing its’ life-time.

Detailed information
Type  R25, кOhm Tсреды, °С  Drawing  Pmax, mW τc, s Detailed information

B57232V5, B57251V5

SMD 0402 (1005)  

4.7; 10 -40/150   Smd0402 150  3 Далее

B57221V2, B57230V2, B57261V25

SMD 0402 (1005)-standard  

3.3-47 -50/125   Smd0402 standart 150  3 Далее

B57332V5, B57342V5, B57351V5, B57352V5

SMD 0603 (1608) 

10-100 -40/150   Smd0603 180  4 Далее

B57301V2, B57321V2, B57330V2, B57371V2, B57374V2

SMD 0603 (1608)-standard 

1-470 -50/125   Smd0603 180  4 Далее

B57442V5, B57451V5, B57452V5

SMD 0805 (2012) 

4,7-100 -40/150   Smd0805 210  10 Далее

B57442V5, B57451V5, B57452V5

SMD 0805 (2012)-srandard 

1-680 -50/125   Smd0805 300  10 Далее

NTC Тhermistors. Probe assemblies 


Epcos Probe assemblies represent sensors encapsulated in metallic or plastic case with isolated leads. Such components are characterised by easy mounting. They are universal devices for temperature measuring in air cooling, dish-washing machines, freezing chambers, electrical motors, transformers.

Detailed information
Type   R25, кOhm Tamb, °С  Drawing  Pmax, mW τc, s Detailed information



10 -30/100   M500 60  20 Далее



32.762 -55/155   K227 200  30 Далее



10 -20/125   K504  - - Далее



48.538 -20/200   K514  - - Далее



49.12 -10/125   K560 - Далее



5-30 -55/125   M703 150  50 Далее



100 +10/200   M703 50  20 Далее



1-150 -55/125   K45 450  75 Далее



4.829; 11.981 10/100   K276 500  - Далее



9.959 30/110   K301 375  - Далее



5 40/80   M2020 350  - Далее



10.11; 10.151 5/100   T120 18  - Далее



10.151 5/100   F120 18  - Далее



11.991 5/100   Z81 60  - Далее

Additional information


To check the price and positions in-stock you can use our online shop.

09.10 19 

LEPCOS invites you to attend the Stand C23 at ChipEXPO 2019 exhibition, which will be held from 16 to 18 October 2019 in Moscow in the Expocentre, in the pavilion "Forum".


26.06 19 
According to the results of 2018 Lepcos has received "best ferrites seller 2018" seal of excellence from TDK company.

18.04 19 
Dear colleagues! We would like to draw your attention to the fact that, since December 2018, the package content of electrolytic capacitors has been changed.


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