Magnetics Epcos (Siemens Matsushita Components), Germany TDK Ferroxcube
North West Laboratory

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Products » Electrolyte capacitors »

Electrolyte capacitors

EPCOS capacitors

TDK-EPCOS aluminum electrolytic capacitors have found wide application practically in all fields of electronics thanks to their advantages: :

  • High specific capacitance which allows to produce components with capacity up to 1 F;
  • Compact sizes at high values of nominal capacitance;
  • High ripple current;
  • High reliability;
  • Optimal ratio price/productivity.

Specific capacitance of Epcos electrolytic capacitors reaches practically a limited value. Like the rest capacitors they consist of two electrically conductive plates separated by a dielectric layer. electrolytic capacitor One of electrodes - anod - is made of Al foil with increased effective surface area and is covered by oxide layer (Al2O3). In order to increase a capacitance TDK (Epcos) has developed a special method of foil etching that increases effective surface area. Such foil allows to manufacture very compact electrolyte capacitors. A thickness of alumina layer is about 1 μF that determines a high specific capacitance of electrolytic capacities. Electrolyte (a conductive liquid) that is used as a cathode. Its main task is to fill all micropits on cathode and to effectively use its surface. Aluminum electrolytic capacitors TDK-EPCOS perfectly suit for application in industrial, consumer and automotive electronics. For comfortable using and mounting Epcos produces electrolytic capacitors with following types of terminals:

  • screw;
  • with 4-/5-pin snap-in terminals and solder pins;
  • snap-in;
  • axial-lead;
  • soldering star capacitors;
  • single-ended

Capacitors with screw terminals

Capacitors with screw terminals are designed for operating in high current circuits and provide the best connection between capacitor and terminals. They are more stable to vibration due to rigid fixing on circuit board. Furthermore, additional heat rejection is realised through a screw connection that is extremely useful in harsh temperature conditions. EPCOS also offers special versions of capacitors for heat rejection.

Voltage range 16…100; 200…500; 500 V
Load current range 34…110 А
Capacity range 820…33000; 1500…330000 μF

Not long ago TDK (Epcos) has represented three new series of electrolytic capacitors with screw terminals with longer useful life (up to 12000 hours) at Maximal working temperature 85°С:
  • Capacitors series B43703** is characterised by CR=1500μF ... 22000μF. The sizes of this components are decreased on 20% comparing to previous series at the same current-carrying capacity.
  • Capacitors B43704** have a higher values of high ripple current (on 25%) comparing to and are characterised by small sizes. Components of this series can be used at VR=350V ... 550V DC и СR=820μ ... 22000μ.
  • Current-carrying capacity of series B43705* has been increased on 40% comparing to previous series saving compact sizes, VR=350V ... 450V DC, and СR=1000μF ... 18000μF.
  • Capacitors B43723**, B43724** and B43725** have an dditional advantage - fastening with a stud on a base.

Additional information
Series Nominal voltage
VR, В (DC)
Nominal capacitance
CR, мкФ
Maximal operating temperature Features Detailed information
Low-voltage series (B41...)
16…100 2200…680000 85°С Compact capacitors with long useful life Далее
25…100 1500…330000 105°С Extremely compact capacitors. High current-carrying capacity Далее
16…100 1500…220000 105°С
125°С (without insulating film)
Series SIKOREL. High reliability. Long useful life. Shelf life is 10 years. Далее
B41554 16…100 1500…220000 125°С Series SIKOREL. High reliability. Long useful life. Shelf life is 10 years. Далее
High-voltage capacitors (B43...)
350…450 1000…12000 85°С Standard series of capacitors for general application. Далее
350…450 1000…15000 85°С >10000 hours (при 85°С). Далее
350…450 1000…18000 85°С Compact capacitors with useful life >12000 hours (при 85°С). High reliability. Далее
350…450 2200…15000 105°С Shelf life >30000 hours (at 85°С), >6000 hours (at 105°С). Compact sizes, high reliability. Далее
200…500 1000…18000 85°С Shelf life >15000 hours (at 85°С). High reliability. Далее
350…400 560…5300 105°С Shelf life >8000 hours (at 105°С). Extra high current-carrying capacity (up to 110 А). Special construction for heat rejection Далее
600 1200…6800 85°С High-Voltage series Далее
350…500 1000…18000 105°С Capacitors with higher reliability Далее
New series of high-voltage capacitors (B43...)
350…450 1500...22000 85°С Extra compact capacitors with long useful life >12000 hours Далее
350…550 820...22000 85°С High ripple current Далее
350…550 1000...18000 85°С High ripple current. Long useful life >12000 hours. Далее

Capacitors with Snap-in terminals (soldering)

Using of TDK-EPCOS capacitors with Snap-in terminals makes the mountig process more comfortable. Special snap-in terminals reliably keep the capacitors on circuit board. Together with standard models with 2 pins also 3-pin series are being produced. These capacitors are defended from incorrect mounting.

Voltage range 10…100 V
Capacity range 47…6800 μF

Additional information
Series Nominal voltage
VR, V (DC)
Nominal capacitance
VR, мкФ
Maximal operating temperature Features Detailed information
B41231 10…100 1200…68000 85°С Standard series of generel application Далее
B41505 10…100 560…33000 105°С Excellent performance, low ESR, outstanding ripple current. Далее
B43305 200…450 68…3300 85°С Extremely high CV product, ultra compact, high ripple current capability Далее
B43501 10…100 560…33000 85°С Long useful life Далее
B43504 200…450 47…2200 105°С High ripple current capability, low ESR Далее
B43508 200…450 82…2700 105°С Extremely high CV product, ultra compact, high reliability Далее
B43540 200…450 82…2700 85°С
105°С (при V=VR • 0.93)
Long useful life, high reliability, outstanding ripple current capability Далее
B43541 550…600 47…390 85°С
105°С (при V=VR • 0.93)
Long useful life, high reliability, high ripple current capability. Далее
B43544 200…550 47…2700 105°С High reliability, extremely improved performance at high frequencies. Далее
B43601 200…450 82…2700 85°С
105°С (при V=VR • 0.93)
Long useful life, high reliability Далее
B43640 200…450 82…3300 105°С High reliability, high ripple current capability. Далее
B43644 200…500 39…2700 105°С High reliability, long useful life, high ripple current capability Далее
New series of high-voltage capacitors (B43...)
B43545 400…450 82…820 105°С Long useful life, very high CV product, compact Далее
B43547 200…450 82…2200 105°С High reliability, extremely improved performance at high frequencies Далее
B43642 200…450 82…3300 105°С Very high ripple current capability, high reliability Далее

4-pin (snap-in and soldering)

4-pin electrolytic capacitors (TDK-EPCOS) are high-voltage components with snap-in terminals. Increased capacity and nominal voltage are being combined with easy mounting. Capacitors of this series are protected from incorrect mounting on a board. For more rigid mounting Epcos produces a series of 5-pin capacitors. Such a construction provides additional vibration stability.

Voltage range 350…500 V
Capacitance range 330…3300 μF

Additional information
Series Nominal voltage
VR, В (DC)
Nominal capacitance
VR, мкФ
Maximal working temperature Features Additional information
385…500 330…3300 85°С
105°С (при V=VR • 0.90)
New diameter 50 mm available, extremely high volumetric efficiency, high ripple current capability Далее
350…450 390…2200 85°С
105°С (при V=VR • 0.90)
Long useful life, outstanding ripple current capability Далее
350…450 390…2700 105°С High reliability and high ripple current capability Далее

Large-size capacitors

Large-size capacitors - a special series of low-voltage capacitors. Such capacitors are developed for application in power electronics and for hard service conditions. The main features - a high ripple current capability, high working temperature, long useful life, vibration stability. Shelf life is up to 15 years at storage temperatures up to 40 °C. All components of this series have characterisitics optimized for high-frequency currents. Capacitors are represented by two types of terminals - snap-in and soldering.

Voltage range 25…63
Capacitance range 2000…27000; 900…4700 μF

Additional information
Series Nominal voltage
VR, V (DC)
Nominal capacitance
VR, μF
Maximal working temperature Featurs Additional information
B41605 25…63 2000…27000 125°С Very high ripple current capability optimized for high frequencies, сompact design Далее
B41607 25…63 900…4700 125°С Outstanding reliability and long useful life, up to 10000 h at 125 °C. Very high ripple current capability optimized for high frequencies Далее

Axial-lead and soldering star capacitors

Special series of Epcos capacitors for automative electronics.They are characterised by a very high ripple current capability, long useful life, (2000 h at up to 150 °C), low ESR also at 63 V DC and high vibration stability. Shelf life is up to 15 years at storage temperatures up to 40 °C. Soldering star terminals provide an easy and reliable mounting.

Voltage range 25…100; 160…250
Capacitance range 100…6800; 22…130 мкФ

Additional information
Серия Nominal voltage
VR, В (DC)
Nominal capacitance
VR, мкФ
Maximal working temperature Features Additional information
25…63 270…4500 125°С
Extra high ripple current capability, long useful life, low ESR Далее
25…63 300…10000 125°С
Ultra compact design, long useful life, 2000 h at up to 140 °C Далее
25…63 100…4000 125°С
High ripple current capability, high vibration stability Далее
25…63 220…6800 125°С
Compact design, high vibration stability Далее
25…100 100…4000 125°С
Outstanding parametric stability, high ripple current capability, high vibration stability, long useful life Далее
25…75 220…6800 125°С
Optimized CV value, high ripple current capability, high vibration stability Далее
25 и 75 470…6800 125°С Compact design, high ripple current capability, high vibration stability. Далее
160…250 22…130 125°С High ripple current capability, high vibration stability, long useful life Далее
B416**/B436** - axial-lead
B417**/BB437** - soldering star capacitors

Single-ended capacitors

Standard series of single-ended EPCOS capacitors is represented by two types of components: capacitors of general application and high-reliable capacitors for Automotive electronics. Capacitors for Automotive electronics are characterised by a small rejection during useful life and large current capability that allows them to operate at 135 °C. The series of capacitors for general application is represented for opeating at large voltage. That'a why this series include capacitors with working voltage up to 450V.

Voltage range 10…100 V; 160…450 V
Capacitance range 2.2…10000 μF

Additional information
Series Nominal voltage
VR, В (DC)
Nominal capacitance
VR, мкФ
Maximal working temperature Features Additional information
Capacitors of general application
105°С Standard series. Compact, high CV product. Далее
B41856 16…50 100…2200 105°С LOW ESR, high ripple current capability Далее
B41858 10…100 22…10000 105°С Low ESR, high reliability Далее
B41890 16…50 100…6800 105°С Extra long useful life, high reliability Далее
B43888 160…450 3,3…330 105°С Compact dimensions, high ripple current capability at high frequency Далее
B43890 160…450 3,3…330 105°С High ripple current capability at high frequency, extra long useful life. Далее
Capacitors forAutomotive electronics
B41863 25…35 680…8500 105°С Compact design Далее
B41858 10…100 22…10000 105°С Low ESR, high reliability Далее
B41859 16…50 100…3300 105°С Very low ESR Далее
B41888 10…63 47…10000 105°С Long useful life, low ESR Далее
B41866 10…75 10…10000 125°С High reliability, long useful life, high ripple current capability Далее
B41895 25…50 470…6800 125°С Very compact design, high operating temperature capability Далее
B41896 10…50 180…10000 125°С/ (135°С) Radial leads, charge-discharge proof, polar. Далее
B43896 160…250 33…270 125°С High voltage design, high ripple current capability. Далее

Additional information

In 2015 Epcos-TDK has represented new series of electrolytic capacitors with improved electric characteristics. At present moment low-voltage and high-voltage capacitors with standard leads а are in a Epcos-TDK web site's search list :
  • Screw terminals:B43700, B43701, B43703, B43704, B43705, B43712, B43713, B43720, B43720, B43723, B43724, B43725, B43732, B43733, B43741, B43752, B43761, B43772 и B43793
  • Snap-in:B41231, B41252, B43509, B43513, B43516, B43544, B43545, B43547, B43624, B43630, B43634, B43455, B43640, B43642, B43644
  • Axial-lead:B41689, B41690
  • Single-ended: B41856, B41858, B41859, B41863, B41866, B41887, B41890, B41895,
Epcos-TDK continues producing electrolytic capacitors of previous series B43584, B43564, B43454, B43456, B43457, B43458, B43474, B43501,B43540, B43601, B43504, B43508, B43740, B43760, B43580, B43511, B43512, B43515, B43305 and others!

Search by characteristics


One can use the special search program on Epcos web-site

09.10 19 

LEPCOS invites you to attend the Stand C23 at ChipEXPO 2019 exhibition, which will be held from 16 to 18 October 2019 in Moscow in the Expocentre, in the pavilion "Forum".


26.06 19 
According to the results of 2018 Lepcos has received "best ferrites seller 2018" seal of excellence from TDK company.

18.04 19 
Dear colleagues! We would like to draw your attention to the fact that, since December 2018, the package content of electrolytic capacitors has been changed.


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