Magnetics Epcos (Siemens Matsushita Components), Germany TDK Ferroxcube
North West Laboratory

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Products » TDK-Epcos transformers and inductors » Epcos current sense transformers »

Epcos current sense transformers


Current sense transformers are designed to convert current up to values suitable for measurement and correspond the accuracy requirements for this type of transformers.
The specific feature of these transformers is obligate presence of load resistance in the secondary winding's circuit. The load resistance value is strictly regulated by the requirements for the transformation coefficient accuracy. Recommended load resistance nominal value for each current sense transformer produced by Epcos is specified in the manufacturer's documentation.
Application circuit
The fractional deviation of Rt from set value leads to changing of transformation error and a degradation of transformer's measuring characteristics. A significant growth of load resistance creates a high voltage in the secondary winding of the transformer. The voltage value is sufficient for breakdown of insulation and functional loss of a  transformer.


Bmax= Vsense,max⋅ δmax

ns. ⋅ Ae⋅ fOSC
Bmax - Maximum magnetic flux density in the ferrite core of the current sense transformer;
Vsense,max - Maximum output voltage of the measurement signal;
δmax - Maximum duty cycle;
nвтор - Number of turns of the secondary winding of the current sense transformer;
Ae - Effective magnetic area of the ferrite core;
fOSC -Operating frequency of the switching operator IC.
Typical values for Ae and Bmax are listed separately for each type of Epcos transformer in the technical data book.

RT= Vsense,max⋅ ns

Iprim, max
RT - Resistance of burden resistor;
Vsense,max -Maximum output voltage of the measurement signal;
ns - Number of turns on the secondary side of the CT;
Iprim,max - Maximum primary current (peak current).

Current sense transformer series

B82801A (on the base of EE4.2 core) EE4.2 datasheet_EE4.2
    Operating voltage
    Measured current
  33...1840 µH;
  500 V (АС);
  7 А.
Lmin, µH Turns ratio
DC resistance Rmax, mΩ Voltage-time product
V ⋅ µs
Recomm. RT Ordering code
primary secondary
33 1 : 20 2.5 320 5.76 20 B82801A0333A020
74 1 : 30 2.5 800 8.6 30 B82801A0743A030
132 1 : 40 2.5 1300 11.5 40 B82801A0134A040
205 1 : 50 2.5 2200 14.4 50 B82801A0214A050
295 1 : 60 2.5 3600 17.3 60 B82801A0304A060
400 1 : 70 2.5 4600 20.0 70 B82801A0404A070
820 1 : 100 2.5 8700 28.8 100 B82801A0824A100
1280 1 : 125 2.5 13000 36.0 125 B82801A0135A125
1840 1 : 150 2.5 21000 43.2 150 B82801A0185A150
B82801B (on the base of EE5.0 core) EE5.0 PDF
    Operating voltage
    measured current
  80...8000 µH;
  1000 V (АС);
  20 А.
Lmin, µH Turns ratio
DC resistance Rmax, mΩ Voltage-time product
V ⋅ µs
Recommended RT Ordering code
Primary Secondary
80 1 : 20 0.6 400 10.0 20 B82801B0803A020
180 1 : 30 0.6 870 15.0 30 B82801B0184A030
320 1 : 40 0.6 1140 20.0 40 B82801B0324A040
500 1 : 50 0.6 1500 25.0 50 B82801B0504A050
720 1 : 60 0.6 1980 30.0 60 B82801B0724A060
980 1 : 70 0.6 3000 35.0 70 B82801B0984A070
2000 1 : 100 0.6 5500 50.0 100 B82801B0205A100
3000 1 : 125 0.6 6500 62.5 125 B82801B0305A125
8000 1 : 200 0.6 33240 100.0 200 B82801B0925A200
B82801C (on the base of EE12.6 core) EE12.6 PDF
    Operating voltage
    Measured current
  1400...22400 µH;
  1500 V (АС);
  40 А.
Lmin, µH Turns ratio
DC resistance Rmax, mΩ Voltage-time product
V ⋅ µs
Recommended RT Ordering code
primary secondary
1.4 1 : 50 0.28 400 124 50 B82801C0145A050
5.6 1 : 100 0.28 1000 248 100 B82801C0565A100
12.6 1 : 150 0.28 2200 372 150 B82801C1265A150
22.4 1 : 200 0.28 2900 496 200 B82801C2245A200

Replacement of Transformer Series B82801A0* with New Series B82801A1*

To streamline the product range the following types from the B82801A0* series of EPCOS SMT current sense transformers are being withdrawn.

  • EE4.2 SMD Current Sense Transformer series B82801A0* produced by TDK (Epcos) must be withdrawn. As a replacement, the company is introducing the new series B82801A1*
  • The new series B82801A1* is pin-compatible with the B82801A0* series and the majority of the electrical characteristics are unchanged. Details about mechanical and electrical differences are explained in the TDK (Epcos) informational newsletter.
  • Samples of the new B82801A1* series are available. The part numbers are:
    have already been released for mass production. The remaining types in the B82801A1* series are expected to be released for production in February / March of 2019.

Additional information

The selection of current sense transformers produced by EPCOS according to parameters

Parameter search

In order to choose required current sense transformers produced by EPCOS one can use the program at TDK-EPCOS website

Stock status


To know the actual prices , availability at stock one can use our online-shop.

09.10 19 

LEPCOS invites you to attend the Stand C23 at ChipEXPO 2019 exhibition, which will be held from 16 to 18 October 2019 in Moscow in the Expocentre, in the pavilion "Forum".


26.06 19 
According to the results of 2018 Lepcos has received "best ferrites seller 2018" seal of excellence from TDK company.

18.04 19 
Dear colleagues! We would like to draw your attention to the fact that, since December 2018, the package content of electrolytic capacitors has been changed.


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Development & support — Marina Kutuzova