Magnetics Epcos (Siemens Matsushita Components), Germany TDK Ferroxcube
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Products » TDK-Epcos transformers and inductors » Epcos power line chokes »

Epcos power line chokes

Cиловые дроссели EPCOS AGThe operation of a modern equipment is connected with EMI.
EPCOS AG offers a large choise of power chokes with different configurations (Chokes for Power Line) destined for common-mode and differential interferences suppression in Power supplies and other industrial equipment and home appliances.

EPCOS power line chokes represent a component with a ferrite core with a winding on a plastic case. When chokes producing I, E, Rings and D cores are used. Such chokes are aplied for differential and common-mode interferences. Among main fields of application one can mention:power supplies and other industrial equipment operating at high current values.

I core Chokes
Design nominal voltage (V AC) Niminal current (A) Inductance (μH) Series
Дроссель 500 0,2 - 2 680 - 82000 B82502W
Дроссель 400 0,5 - 15 25 - 47000 B82503U*E
Дроссель 500 1 - 25 65 - 27000 B82504W
Дроссель 500 4 - 40 56 - 5600 B82505W
500 6 - 95 15 - 5000 B82506W
Дроссель 500 0,1 - 2 330 - 68000 B82522V
Дроссель 400 0,5 - 10 33 - 15000 B82523T*E
Chokes with ordering codes B82503U*A and B82523T* are not produced! Instead of this series one can use B82503U*E and B82523T*E
Ring core chokes with iron powder core
Design Nominal voltage (V AC) Номинальный ток (A) Inductance (μH) Series
Дроссель 250 1 - 6 700 - 20000 B82615
250 0,3 - 3 33 - 1200 B82623
250 1 - 5 250 - 5000 B82625
Chokes with ordering codes B82617*, B82624*and B82627* are not produced
Sine-wave chokes
Design Nominal voltage(V AC) Nominal current (A) Inductance (μH) Series
Дроссель 250 0,8 - 2,7 500 - 3000 B82614

Current-compensated ring core chokes

in order to provide the EMC standards and required quality of electrical power for protection from common-mode interferences with high value of effective inductance. The best and unexpensive solution for EMI suppression is the using of current-compensated ring core double chokes.

The problem of core material saturation due to the operating current is solved in these designs by winding two windings with equal numbers ofturns on the core. These windings are connected in such a way that the magnetic flux induced by the operating current flowing in the upper winding is opposite to that induced by the current flowing through the lower winding, so that the two fluxes cancel, i.e. compensate one another. This enables the use of highly permeable ring cores, so that high inductance ratings per winding are obtained. when current -compensated chokes with ferrite cores are used the full inductance attenuates common-mode interference.

Current -compensated ring core double chokes
Design Nominal voltage (V AC) Nominal current (A) Inductance (μH) Series
Дроссель 250 0,3 - 2 1100 - 22000 B82720S
Дроссель 250 0,25 - 0,9 4700 - 47000 B82791G/H
Дроссель 250 0,3 - 2 1100 - 22000 B82720A/K



250 0,3 - 6 200 - 47000 B82721A,
B82721J, B82721K
250 0,3 - 3 1200 - 68000 B82722A, B82722J
250 0,5 - 6 1000 - 56000 B82723A, B82723J
250 0,5 - 6 1000 - 82000 B82724A, B82724J
250 0,5 - 6 1800 - 100000 B82724B
250 1 - 16 560 - 82000 B82725A
250 1 - 10 1800 - 68000 B82725J



250 6 - 10 2800 - 7800 B82725S2*
250 10 - 12 2200 - 3300 B82726S61*3N
250 16 1400 - 2200 B82726S2163N
250 18 1300 B82726S2183N
250 20 - 24 750 - 1600 B82726S22*3A
300 54 190 B82726S3543N
Current -compensated ring core triple chokes
Design Nominal voltage (V AC) Nominal current (A) Inductance (μH) Series



440/250 12 350 B82745S6123N
520/300 10 1700 B82746S4103
520/300 20 1300 B82747S4203
440/250 18 1800 B82747S4183N
440/250 31 950 B82747S6313N
440/250 42 1500 B82747S4423N
690/400 62 1100 B82748S6623N
Дроссель 690/400 23 1500 B82748F6233N
Дроссель 440/250 6 - 25 1300 - 6000 B82747F
Дроссель 440/250 50 - 200 120 - 1300 B82745C
Current -compensated ring core quat chokes
Design Nominal voltage
(V AC)
ominal current (A) Inductance (μH) Series
Дроссель 440/250 16 - 75 900 - 1800 B82765C
Current -compensated U core double chokes
design Nomimal voltage
(V AC)
Nominal current (A) inductance (μH) Series
Дроссель 300 0,4 - 2,6 330 - 1500 B82730U/G
horizontal and vertical versions
Current -compensated D core double chokes
Design Nominal voltage
(V AC)
Nominal current (A) Inductance (μH) Series
Дроссель 250 0,35 - 1,8 3300 - 100 000 B82731M/H
250 0,4 - 2,2 3300 - 100 000 B82732R/W
250 0,7 - 4,6 3300 - 68 000 B82734R/W
Current -compensated E core double chokes
Design Nominal voltage
(V AC)
Nominal current (A) Inductance (μH) Series
Дроссель 250 0,3 - 1,8 3300 - 100 000 B82731T

Current-compensated frame core double chokes

The disadvantage of many current-compensated chokes is a weak filtering of differential interferences. This leads to additional using of capacitors and differential chokes (for instance chokes on the base of drum powder ring cores). The easy solution is the using of new series of current-compensated frame core double chokes B82732F* and B82733F* protecting both from common mode and differential interferences.

Current-compensated frame core double chokes
Design Nominal voltage
(V AC)
nominal current (A) inductance (μH) Series
Дроссель 250 0,45 - 1,6 10 000 - 100 000 B82732F
250 0,7 - 2,3 10 000 - 100 000 B82733F

In 2015 Epcos-TDK expanded the range of power chokes new vertical version B82733 with frame. Components with vertical performance B82733V are more compact in comaprance with horizontal version B82733F, that allows to use them in circuits, where the place for each component is limited. New current-compensated chokes are suitable for operating at voltage 300 V(AC) and inductance values are in the range 10mH -100mH. The components can operate at 0.7А - 2.3А and T=40°С. On account of stray inductance is about 2%, chokes B82733F/V are suitable for suppression of differetial interference in SMPS and high sensitive converters without using of additional components.

New series B82733F/V
Drawing Series Sizes, mm
(V AC)
Nominal current, (A) Nominal resistance, (mOhm) Номинальная индуктивность, (mH)
Дроссель B82733V 29 x 15.5 x 27 0,7 - 2,3 188 - 1810 10 - 100
Дроссель B82733F 26.5 x 24.8 x 14

The main fields of power current-compensated chokes application: electronic ballasts and led drivers, industrial electronics, SMPS in home appliance and different pulse circuits.

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Cиловые дроссели EPCOS AG
09.10 19 

LEPCOS invites you to attend the Stand C23 at ChipEXPO 2019 exhibition, which will be held from 16 to 18 October 2019 in Moscow in the Expocentre, in the pavilion "Forum".


26.06 19 
According to the results of 2018 Lepcos has received "best ferrites seller 2018" seal of excellence from TDK company.

18.04 19 
Dear colleagues! We would like to draw your attention to the fact that, since December 2018, the package content of electrolytic capacitors has been changed.


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