Magnetics Epcos (Siemens Matsushita Components), Germany TDK Ferroxcube
North West Laboratory

Engineering Center SZL and LEPCOS
— General representative of Epcos AG by ferrite in the CIS
— Official distributor and general representative for ferrites of
    TDK Electronics Europe Gmbh in the CIS
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Products » Ferroxcube Cores » Ferroxcube special cores » Ferroxcube large ferrite blocks and cores on their base »

Ferroxcube large ferrite blocks and cores on their base

Among technological problems when producing ferrites with large sizes one can mention requirements to pressure value of molding press, the size of sintering zone in tunnel oven ( when MnZn ferrites manufacturing) and the choise of required modes for ferrite producing in order to prevent defects appearance, for instance, microcracks in its structure. Modern technical level of Ferroxcube plant in Poland allows to manufacture unique ferrite plates on the base of different NiZn and MnZn ferrites ( ferrite blocks) with maximal size 270x250x75 mm. As a example of such plates one can note blocks on the base of NiZn material 8C11.:

Possible ferrite blocks are depicted below:


Ferrite block  BLK210


Ferrite block  BLK270


Ferrite block  BLK330

The structure of the ordering code

BLK —Block configuration
210/140/50 — block size (length, width, thickness)
8C11 — block material

Ferrite plates of large sizes can be used in two main applications:

  • Manufacturing of powerful segment transformers (Power varies from 10s to 100s kW)
    Unique large segment transformers on the baseof E and U forms are being made of ferrite plates (blocks) glued to each other. The field of application: tomographic scanners producing, experimental transformers for research in the field of physics.
  • Manufacturing of ferrite cores single samples with large sizes and experimental testing of designers solution effectiveness and mathematical calculations.
    There are standard forms of ferrite cores. Size ranges on their base allow to manufacture transformer or choke according to customers requirements. However the necessity in manufacturing of ferrite cores single samples in accordance with customers drawings appears sometimes. Due to high cost of manufacturing of mold press designed for new size types (in general cost varies from 1 to 15 thousands Euro depending on the size) and manufacturer requirements to minimal set when producing new items most of the projects are being at the stage of documentation preparation and have no realization in practice. Even in case of potential serial application of a new size in future there was no possibilities to get single samples of new cores without serious financial spending. New Ferroxcube technology allows to produce the core of unstandardized size on the base ferrite plates with working accuracy up to±0,1 mm using high-technology equipment being operated by PC with special software.

    New Ferroxcube technology allows to produce the core of unstadart size on the base ferrite plates with working accuracy up to±0,1 mm using high-technology equipment being operated by PC with special software.

    When is it worthwhile to manufacture cores by mechanical treatment method?

    1. When a small quantity of cores is reqired Если требуется and there is no need in molding press.
    2. The high producing accuracy which is possible only at mechanical treatment is required.
    3. it is impossible to manufacture cores by pressure molding due to complex forms.
    4. The producing of specimen products before producing of final molding press.

The examples of unstandart ferrite cores made of Ferroxcube ferrite plates are depicted below.

ER Cores

 ER Cores

PM Cores

 PM Cores

Large cores with P configuration

Large cores with P configuration

09.10 19 

LEPCOS invites you to attend the Stand C23 at ChipEXPO 2019 exhibition, which will be held from 16 to 18 October 2019 in Moscow in the Expocentre, in the pavilion "Forum".


26.06 19 
According to the results of 2018 Lepcos has received "best ferrites seller 2018" seal of excellence from TDK company.

18.04 19 
Dear colleagues! We would like to draw your attention to the fact that, since December 2018, the package content of electrolytic capacitors has been changed.


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Development & support — Marina Kutuzova