Magnetics Epcos (Siemens Matsushita Components), Germany TDK Ferroxcube
North West Laboratory

Engineering Center SZL and LEPCOS
— General representative of Epcos AG by ferrite in the CIS
— Official distributor and general representative for ferrites of
    TDK Electronics Europe Gmbh in the CIS
— Authorized distributor of Magnetics in Russia, CIS and Baltic countries
— Exclusive distributor of USM in Russia and CIS countries
— Official Distributor Temex Ceramics in Russia and CIS
Products » Microwave ferrites Temex-Ceramics »

Microwave ferrites Temex-Ceramics

СВЧ ферритыIn recent years due to success in the field of microwave electronics a lot of devices of different applications were produced. The prospects for future development of microwave systems with predetermined characteristics are mainly assigned by ferrite choise. However the choise of a material for a concrete application in microwave technique is a complicated task, as there are different requirements to different parts of microwave band. Among main characteristics of ferrites suitable for high frequencies are:

  • At the expense of high specific electrical resistivity (ρ >106 Ом·sm) ferrites are characterised by low dielectric losses at high frequencies tgδ=10-2÷10-4).
  • Dielectric permittivity ε' (about 10-15)
  • Thermal stability in a wide temperature range
  • The high activity is being determined by the value of minimal bias which is essential for required nominal parameters providing.
  • Saturation magnetization, M s; 4πMs (400-5000 G)
  • The width of resonance curve 2ΔH is one of the main parameters characterising properties of ferrites applied in high-frequency band. The yttrium-iron monocrystals exhibit the minimal value 2ΔH =0.3-0.5 Oe. The width of resonanse curve of polycrystalline ferrites varies from 30...40 to 800-1000 Oe.

The technical performance of devices on the base of ferrites mainly depends on operating principle, application, frequency band and power level. For many years Temex-Ceramics (1971, Bordeaux/France) is one of the world leaders in the field of high frequency materials development and manufacturing. In june 2012 Temex-Ceramics was introduced in Exxelia Group membership. This is a group of companies, supplying electronic parts for different industry fileds. The sales are being realized all over the world by officical distributors in Italy, Eastern Europe, Russia, India, Korea and others.

In 2008 "Lepcos" got a status of Temex-Ceramics official distributor.

Temex-Ceramics Ferrites can be successfully applied in circulators, isolators, phase-shifters, choppers and others.



Temex-Ceramics ferrites are being produced on the base of pressed powder sintered at high temperatures. After thermal sintering the items can be smoothed and/or polished. Company produces items with different forms. Dimensional allowance at mechanical treatment is ±0,025 mm. In spite of standard variants of performance it is possible to produce cores in accoradance with sizes and customers drawings.

Standard variants of cores performance

TEMEX-CERAMICS ferrite materials

materials Тemex-Ceramics manufactures ferrites on the base of compounds with garnet and spinel structures. Yttrium-iron garnets are applied for production of different high-frequency devices operating in low border of high-frequency band. The great interest to ferrites with garnet structure, particularly, to yttrium garnet is explained by narrow line of ferromagnetic resonance absorption. Such materials are also characterised by small magnetic losses; relatively high magnetization; high thermalstability.Often ions of Cobalt and Rare-earth ions (Dy), (Gd) are introduced to materilas structure in order to improve material characteristics for increasing of ferrite stability to Power.
Materials on the base of yttrium iron garnets
Type 4πMs(G)



ΔH eff(Oe)

ΔH k(Oe)

ε '


Detailed information
Heat-resisting with narrow frequency band
Y4091 960 195 35 12 9 15.2 <2 Далее
YIG (Iron-Yttrium)
Y10 1790 280 45 4 2 15.3 <2 далее
Y101 1820 280 20 4 2 15.4 <2 Далее
Y102 1800 280 30 4 2 15.3 <2 Далее
Y-Gd (Ittrium-Gadolinium)
The material can be applied when high thermal stability is required
Y11 1600 280 60 5 3 15.3 <2 Далее
Y12 1420 280 65 6 3 15.3 <2 Далее
Y13 1250 280 75 8 8 15.3 <2 Далее
Y14 1100 280 95 12 9 15.4 <2 Далее
Y15 900 280 140 18 11 15.4 <2 Далее
Y16 750 280 200 25 15 15.4 <2 Далее
CVG (Сalcium-Vanadium)
This materials range was specially developed for application in devices, where low inserted losses are required
Y220 1950 205 10 2 1 15.4 <2 Далее
Y218 1850 215 10 - - 14.8 <2 Далее
Y216 1600 218 10 - - 14.8 <2 Далее
Y215 1450 215 10 2 1 14.7 <2 Далее
Y212 1200 209 10 2 1 14.5 <2 Далее
Y211 1100 205 10 2 1 14.4 <2 Далее
Y210 1000 200 10 - - 14.2 <2 Далее
Y209 900 180 10 2 1 14.1 <2 Далее
Y208 800 170 10 2 1 14.0 <2 Далее
Y-Al (Yttrium- Aluminium)
Due to a wide band of saturation magnetization values such materials can be applied in different high-frequency devices operating at low inserted losses
Y35 1200 225 40 4 2 15.3 <2 Далее
Y351 1200 225 22 4 2 14.9 <2 Далее
Y34 1030 210 40 4 2 14.8 <2 Далее
Y341 1030 210 22 4 2 14.8 <2 Далее
Y39 800 195 40 4 2 14.6 <2 Далее
Y391 800 195 22 4 2 14.6 <2 Далее
Y38 760 190 40 4 2 14.5 <2 Далее
Y381 760 190 22 4 2 14.5 <2 Далее
Y37 680 180 40 4 2 14.5 <2 Далее
Y371 680 180 22 4 2 14.5 <2 Далее
Y33 615 175 40 4 2 14.5 <2 Далее
Y331 615 175 22 4 2 14.5 <2 Далее
Y30 565 160 30 4 2 14.4 <2 Далее
Y32 420 135 30 4 2 14.4 <2 Далее
Y31 370 125 30 4 2 14.1 <2 Далее
Y36 290 115 25 4 2 14.1 <2 Далее
Y302 240 100 30 4 2 14.1 <2 Далее
Y-Gd-Al (Yttrium-Gadolinium- Aluminium)
The special feature of these materials is high thermal stability. They are suitable for application in devices of middle power level.
Y71 1020 235 60 7 5 15 <2 Далее
Y710 1020 240 75 9 7 15 <2 Далее
Y77 950 230 60 6 5 14.9 <2 Далее
Y780 830 235 60 6 5.5 14.8 <2 Далее
Y78 800 220 80 8 8 15 <2 Далее
Y708 800 260 140 15 15 15.2 <2 Далее
Y74 670 190 60 6 6 14.9 <2 Далее
Y72 540 175 60 6 6 14.6 <2 Далее
Y705 470 170 65 6 6 14.3 <2 Далее
Y75 400 160 65 6 6 14.3 <2 Далее
Y76 390 150 50 6 6 14.2 <2 Далее
Y-Gd-Al Co or Dy(Yttrium-Gadolinium-Aluminium with Co and Dy additives)
Materials are suitable for application in devices of high power level. These materials are characterised by good thermal stability.
Y918 1760 280 85 12 20 15 <2 Далее
Y91 1020 240 60 17 14 15.1 <2 Далее
Y94 780250 7514 2315.2 <2Далее
Y908 780250 8514 2915.2 <2Далее
Y9081 780250 12014 3515.2 <2Далее
Fe-Y + Dy additives ( yttrium iron garnet with Dy additives)
Materials are suitable for application in devices with high power level and are characterised by increased thermal stability
D2 900270 18525 2415.5 <2Далее
Ferrite materials on the base of Mg spinel are characterised by small values of coercive field strength and also by low magnetic and dielectric losses that allows to use them in fields far from resonance area. cocernintg devices operating nerby resonance area the great is interest is attracted to materials on the base of Ni spinel. Such ferrites are characterised by a wide range of magnetization and high thermal stability. Ferrites on the base of Li spinel can be used in discrete phase shifters. Small values of coercive field strength and thermal stability in operating temperature range and a wide range of saturation magnetization values are characteristic for such materials.
Materials on the base od compunds with spinel structure

09.10 19 

LEPCOS invites you to attend the Stand C23 at ChipEXPO 2019 exhibition, which will be held from 16 to 18 October 2019 in Moscow in the Expocentre, in the pavilion "Forum".


26.06 19 
According to the results of 2018 Lepcos has received "best ferrites seller 2018" seal of excellence from TDK company.

18.04 19 
Dear colleagues! We would like to draw your attention to the fact that, since December 2018, the package content of electrolytic capacitors has been changed.


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Development & support — Marina Kutuzova