Magnetics Epcos (Siemens Matsushita Components), Germany TDK Ferroxcube
North West Laboratory

Engineering Center SZL and LEPCOS
— General representative of Epcos AG by ferrite in the CIS
— Official distributor and general representative for ferrites of
    TDK Electronics Europe Gmbh in the CIS
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— Exclusive distributor of USM in Russia and CIS countries
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Products » TDK Magnetic sheets »

TDK Magnetic sheets

sheets TDK develops and produces magnetic Sheets for RFID (series IFL и IBF) characterising by an extremely small thickness (0.06 - 0.23 mm) and a high magnetic permeability (150-220).

The structure of such magnetic sheets represents a composition: surface film (0.016 mm - 0.038 mm) / Magnetic sheet (0.025 mm - 0.2 mm) / double-sided tape (0.01 mm - 0.03 mm) /release liner. In some variants of technical perfomance the sufarce film and double-sided can be absent.

Magnetic sheets are produced in two variants : separate sheets (size 300mm х 200mm, 125mm х 125mm) and rolls (size 100 mm х 300 mm).

Flexible sheets for EMC providing: series IFL10M, IFL12, IFL16


  • Highly flexible and shock-resistant;
  • High valurs of magnetic permeability;
  • Noise suppression across a wide frequency range;
  • Excellent flexibility in fabrication;


  • Reduction of noise emitted from a wide variety of electronic devices (including noise from CPU)
  • Reduction of internal EMI (resonance, crosstalk) inside a shielded casing
  • Reduction of specific absorbed radiation (SAR) from cellular phones
  • Noise reduction for flexible cables used in mobile devices

Ordering code Material symbol Magnetic material thickness, mm Surface film thickness, mm Double-sided tape thickness, mm Length х Width performance
IFL10M- 025NB300X200 10M 0.025 нет 0.01 300 mm х 200 mm smd
IFL10M-050NB300X200 0.05 нет 0.01
IFL10M-100NB300X200 0.1 нет 0.01
IFL10M-200ND300X200 0.2 - 0.03
IFL12-050NB300X200 12 0.05 нет 0.01
IFL12-100NB300X200 0.1 нет 0.01
IFL12-200ND300X200 0.2 - 0.03
IFL16-030NB300X200 16 0.03 - 0.01
IFL16-050NB300X200 0.05 нет 0.01
IFL10M-025RN1HRX300 10M 0.025 0.038 нет 100 m х 300 mm smd
IFL10M-025NB1HRX300 0.025 нет 0.01
IFL10M-050RN1HRX300 0.05 0.038 нет
IFL10M-050NB1HRX300 0.05 нет 0.01
IFL10M-100RN1HRX300 0.1 0.038 нет
IFL10M-100NB1HRX300 0.1 нет 0.01
IFL12-050RN1HRX300 12 0.05 0.038 нет
IFL12-050NB1HRX300 0.05 нет 0.01
IFL12-100RN1HRX300 0.1 0.038 нет
IFL12-100NB1HRX300 0.1 нет 0.01
IFL16-030RN1HRX300 16 0.03 0.038 нет
IFL16-030NB1HRX300 0.03 нет 0.01
IFL16-050RN1HRX300 0.05 0.038 -
IFL16-050NB1HRX300 0.05 - 0.01

Materials characteristics:

Material Recommended frequency band Magnetic permeability at 1 Mhz Surface resistivity (Ω/sq.)min Operating temperature range, °С
10M 10 MHz - 3 GHz 120 -40 ... +85
12 5 MHz - 3 GHz 180 10k -40 ... +85
16 0.5 MHz - 1 GHz 220 10k -40 ... +85

Magnetic sheets for RFID: IFL04 and IBF15 series


  • Highly flexible and shock-resistant
  • Highly effective
  • Extensive line-up of sizes and dimensions
  • Excellent permeability
  • Excellent magnetic convergence


  • For improving reception performance of RFID readers/writers
  • Integrating IC cards with metal
  • Integrating IC tags with metal
  • Improved antenna reception sensitivity

Ordering code Material symbol Magnetic material thickness, mm Surface film thickness, mm Double-sided tape thickness, mm Length х Width Performance
IFL04-050NB300X200 04 0.05 - 0.01 300 mm  х 200 mm smd
IFL04-100NB300X200 0.1 - 0.01
IFL04-200ND300X200 0.2 - 0.03
IBF15-100DD125X125 15 0.1 0.03 0.03 125 mm х 125 mm smd
IBF15-180DD125X125 0.18 0.03 0.03
IFL04-050RN1HRX300 04 0.05 0.038 - 100 m х 300 mm smd
IFL04-050NB1HRX300 0.05 - 0.01
IFL04-100RN1HRX300 0.1 0.038 -
IFL04-100NB1HRX300 0.1 - 0.01

Materials characteristics:

Material symbol Magnetic permeability µ at 13.56 MHz Magnetic permeability µ′′ at 13.56 MHz Surface resistivity (Ω/ □)min Operating temperature range, °С
04 45 1.3 10k -40 ... +85
15 150 5 1G -40 ... +85

The description in technical documentation

The example of part number construction for TDK magnetic sheets IFL10M-025NB300X200:

IFL 10M 025 N B 300 X 200
Series Material symbol Magnetic material thickness, mm Surface film thickness, mm Double-sided tape thickness, mm Length Width
IFL 10M 025 0.025 N - N - 1HR 100 m 125 125 mm
IBF 04 030 0.03 P 0.016 B 0.01 125 125 mm 200 200 mm
12 050 0.05 R 0.038 D 0.03 300 300 mm 300 300 mm
15 100 0.1 D 0.03
16 180 0.18
200 0.2
09.10 19 

LEPCOS invites you to attend the Stand C23 at ChipEXPO 2019 exhibition, which will be held from 16 to 18 October 2019 in Moscow in the Expocentre, in the pavilion "Forum".


26.06 19 
According to the results of 2018 Lepcos has received "best ferrites seller 2018" seal of excellence from TDK company.

18.04 19 
Dear colleagues! We would like to draw your attention to the fact that, since December 2018, the package content of electrolytic capacitors has been changed.


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Development & support — Marina Kutuzova